Thursday, March 13 (between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.) an operation is planned on the authentication server
which may cause connection issues on Sciencesconf
NOTE that abstract submission deadline is now September 10th 2023.
The first van der Waals / London Discussions will take place at the University of Strasbourg on October 26-27th 2023.
The vdW/L Discussions are conceived as a forum for scientists committed to the development of new theoretical, fundamental, methodological, instrumental and metrologic ways to characterize and study noncovalent interactions. As such it is an interdisciplinary forum that gives spaces for thorough discussions and debates around recent results, issues and emerging concepts.
The first vdW/L Discussions will feature 8 plenary speakers endowed with slots of 1h (30 min presentation + 30 min of discussion). Confirmed speakers (as from July 21rst 2023):
Prof. Elena Boldyreva, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russian Federation
Prof. Peter Chen, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Jorge Echeverria, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Prof Eric Hénon, University of Reims/CNRS, France
Prof Ralf Ludwig, University of Rostock, Germany
Prof. Cristina Puzzarini, Universita' di Bologna, Italy
Prof. Hans-Jörg Schneider, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Prof Alexander Tkatchenko, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg
Note that you can check the topics that will be addressed by the main speakers at the "Outlines" page.
Poster presenters will be given the opportunity to apply for a Short Discussion (4-5 slots of 30 min, 15 min presentation + 15 min discussion).
Admission to the meeting will require application and selection based on submitted poster abstract. The planned maximum physical attendance will be 40 persons.
Participants are invited to present their most recent results.
Applications to the vdW/L Discussions is open since April 2023.
The registration fee for active participants is 70 euros and covers, discussions’ material, meals (buffet and dinner) and coffee breaks + poster.
Accompanying persons are charged 60 euros (coffee breaks a, buffet and dinner).
Free listeners from the university of Strasbourg (must be active researchers, PhD candidates, temporatry research associates, retired academics, etc..., 0 charge, no poster, no buffet, no dinner) are kindly asked to submit their registration on this web site.
Registration opens on July 14th and closes on October 10th.
Payment is possible by credit card or bank transfer.
Abstract submission is open from April 15th 2023 till September 10th 2023.
Selected Participants will be informed soon after their submission.
Due to the limited number of participants, the sooner the submission, the better the chances to being admitted.
WARNING: please ignore spam emails from "". We have confirmation of email scams targeting participants of the van der Waals / London Discussions. The email asks to provide arrival and departure dates for the conference and credit card information. Please do not reply to the scam email and ignore it. In case you unintentionally transfered sensitive data, report the scam to your local police station and seek help from your bank.
Jean-Pierre Djukic (Discussions’ chairman) and Yann Cornaton (Discussions’ secretary).
The van der Waals / London Discussions 2023 are sponsored by the University of Strasbourg.
Venue and General Information
The Discussions are to take place at the European Doctoral College located at the central Campus of the University of Strasbourg. This location is well served by a number of tramway lines and is at a walkable distance from city's downtown.
October is rather cold and moderately busy in Strasbourg. We advise you to book your housing ahead of the meeting. There are a number of affordable hotels in the surroundings that are reachable readily from the main train station by bus or tramway.
If you plan to travel by car, please let us know if you need an access to the campus for the duration of your stay as parking your car might be costly and rather risky outside the university's perimeter.
Collège doctoral européen 46 boulevard de la Victoire 67000 Strasbourg Tel : 03 68 85 17 13
Application to poster presentation and Short Discussion
To attend the vdW / L Discusions as a full participant you must submit a poster abstract containing your recent results on the topics addressed by the conference before the deadline of submission of Abstracts.
Applicants are invited to present their most recent results and concepts.
Since the maximum attendance is limited to 40 participants, applications to attend will be selected based on the submitted abstracts.
vdW / L Discussions will not edit a book of Abstracts. The only printed or digitally edited material will be the outlines of the Plenary and Short Discussions and the program of events. To protect Intellectual property the vdW / L Discussions won't allow the recording of videos of sessions nor the photo capture of poster contents.
A group picture is planned.
If you wish to apply to a Short Discussion, you must chose the proper option of submission when submitting you poster abstract.
In any case, please use the poster Abstract template to prepare your application.